Monday 13 December 2010

Film: The Queen

The film programmed for today was THE QUEEN by Stephen Frears, starring Helen Mirren. Unfortunately, no member of this class came to watch it. However, I thought it would be nice if you could watch the film at home... perhaps during the holidays.

I strongly recommend you watch it as it is a great film, I was actually impressed myself! I'm sure you'll enjoy it as you know the historical facts of the plot. You will also learn a lot about the British character and the impact of Diana Spencer's life and death on the British people and, more importantly, on the Royal Family.

It is 1997. Princess Diana, one of the most popular women in the world, has just died in a terrible accident. The Queen and the Royal Family want to deal with her death in private, with dignity. But the British people want the Queen to change. They want her to share publicly in their sadness. Tony Blair, the new Prime Minister, tries to make the Queen realize this.
Will she listen to his advice? Will the Queen and her traditions survive in this modern age?

Some vocabulary from the film
A curtsey (to the queen): reverencia hecha por las mujeres.
To bow: hacer una reverencia inclinando la cabeza.
A blessing: bendición
Tony Blair’s constituency: distrito u oficina electoral de Tony Blair
Any contingency: imprevistos, casos de emaergencia.
Lord Chamberlain: Lord Chambelán de la Casa, miembro oficial de la Casa Real y encargado de la organización de la corte.
You could hear a pin drop: Literalmente: “Se podía escuchar el sonido de un alfiler cayendo”, para describir un momento de silencio absoluto.
A hearse: coche fúnebre
The tarmac: asfalto
A gillie: ayudante
The scourge: el azote, causa de sufrimiento
Go stalking: ir de caza al acecho.
A nutter: loco, chalado.
A flunky: esbirro, lacayo
Grovelling on all fours: ponerse a cuatro patas, humillarse
To rehearse: ensayar
To marshal: formar, reunir a las tropas
A nonstarter: imposible, sin la más mínima posibilidad.
A stag: ciervo, venado
daft: tonto, bobo.
The prop shaft: el árbol de trasmisión (en un coche)
A vow: un voto
A family spat: una discusión, rencilla de familia.

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